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Results for maximum%20benefit

Showing 11 - 20 of 38

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a nearly universal degenerative condition, affecting both men and women as they age.
Article salt more than high blood pressure.
Article salt more than high blood pressure.
Dr. Fuhrman speaks on the affects salt can have on our future. The truth is: Salt is salt. Tiny amounts of minerals do not diminish the health risks associated with excess sodium consumption.
Article for Say 'No' to Heart Disease
Article for Cruciferous Vegetables. Enjoy The Benefits Of The Most Healthful Foods In The World!
Nutritional excellence works! Before deciding to use drug therapy, you not only should weigh the risks versus the benefits of each medication available for your condition, but also determine if there are other options that have better risk–benefit ratios.
Are protein drinks and powders actually safe for you? Dr. Fuhrman Exposes The Facts And Fantasies Surrounding Protein Supplementation.
Are protein drinks and powders actually safe for you? Dr. Fuhrman Exposes The Facts And Fantasies Surrounding Protein Supplementation.
Read along as Doctor Joel Fuhrman discusses the recovery of one of his patients, Jim Kenny. Jim’s case illustrates how powerful Doctor Fuhrman's high-nutrient approach to eating is when it comes to reversing diabetes.
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