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Medi-Share Blog!

The Medi-Share Blog serves to provide readers with the tools they need to be fit physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, and relationally. When we are fit in these five areas, we are equipped to fulfill the first commandment (Mark 12:30). To learn more about Medi-Share, click here.

What to Do When God Feels Absent

Mar 7, 2025

Reading time: 6 Minutes

Phillip Snyder

[As originally seen in the Christian Post] For much of my life, I have spoken to, and heard from, the Lord. This communication is called “prayer”, of course, but over the years it’s felt far more comfortable than the formality that word contrives in my mind. At its height, it has felt like breathing, as if I only needed to think of God and there He was, talking with me as one might with a friend.

A Biblical Response to Bullying

Feb 26, 2025

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Tom Kepler

Though the word “bully” doesn’t appear in the Bible, the idea of treating others in a brutish and insolent manner does. The Bible is full of examples of bullying: Saul’s persecution of David in I Samuel, Ahab’s and Jezebel’s threatening of Elijah in the Book of Kings, Saul (also called Paul) and his relentless bullying and persecution of Christians, and, finally, Jesus himself—being bullied, scorned, and persecuted by the religious leaders of the day.

Heart Health Advice from a 94-year-old

Feb 14, 2025

Reading time: 3 Minutes

Megan Moore

The heart is the engine of the body. When your heart isn’t healthy, there’s no way to get oxygen-rich blood to the rest of your body, and the whole body suffers. Needless to say, how you take care of your heart is of utmost importance! February is American Heart Month and is a time to think about preventing heart disease and other heart-related health conditions.

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