It's more than just a job, it's a ministry.
Join a growing team
- Serving Christians since 1993
- Hiring various call center positions now
- Join hundreds of other Christians working for Medi-Share across the country
A Christian environment
- Honor God with your talent
- Pray and fellowship with like-minded Christians
- Weekly chapel services, prayer and Bible study
Benefits of working at CCM
- Competitive pay
- Great benefits
- Join an authentic Christian community that reflects the love of Christ
As employees, we are committed to adhering to the same standard of biblical principles of lifestyle and health that are required for membership in our Medi-Share program. These include:
- Having a verifiable Christian testimony indicating a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and professing the Statement of Faith
- Attending a fellowship of believers, regularly and actively supporting that ministry, and living under the discipline of that body
- Sharing the conviction that believers are to bear one another’s burdens as seen in Galatians 6:2
- Believing the biblical doctrine that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and therefore are to be kept pure
- Not engaging in sex outside of traditional Christian marriage, defined as between one man and one woman
- Not using tobacco or illegal drugs in any form, or abusing legal drugs or alcohol