+ How does Manna work?

Each Manna member contributes monthly an administrative fee of $10, which is used by Christian Care Ministry (CCM) to facilitate the sharing, and a Variable Share Amount (VSA) of $14 per unit elected, which is used to assist others in need. Each unit elected represents up to $2,200 of monthly financial assistance not to exceed 80%.

Sharing is accomplished by communicating the needs of members suffering from eligible disabilities to other members who send their monthly Manna share to CCM. CCM then forwards the total variable share amount (VSA) collected to those members in need. The partial replacement of actual earned income lost due to an illness or injury will be presented to Manna members for sharing for up to 12 months. Up to 80% of the verifiable lost earned income will be presented for sharing. Further, if in a given month the total eligible needs exceed the VSA collected, the needs are shared on a prorated basis. 

+ How long will I receive financial assistance and is there a limit to the assistance I can receive?

The partial replacement of actual earned income lost due to an illness or injury will be presented to Manna members for sharing for up to 12 months. Up to 80% of the verifiable lost income will be presented for sharing; however, the assistance is limited based on the number of units elected. Financial assistance ends when a recipient is able to return to work or after 12 months whichever comes first. 

+ If I become disabled, how do I request financial assistance?

Click here to download the Request for Financial Assistance (RFA) form. Send your signed and completed form to Christian Care Ministry- Manna, PO Box 121505, West Melbourne, FL 32912 or call (800) 264-2562 for assistance in completing the form.

+ What if I want to change my Manna unit level?

To change units elected, you must complete and return the “Manna Units Change” form. You can change the number of units elected at any time, however, if you increase your unit level, there is a waiting period before needs will be shared at the new unit level. (Section V. B.) If the request to change is submitted on or before the 15th of the month, the start date for that unit level will be the first of the following month. However, if the request is received after the 15th of the month, the start date will be the first day of the second month following the request.

+ Are There Any Conditions Not Eligible for Manna Sharing?

The following events/conditions are not eligible for sharing: elective cosmetic surgery, mental illness and depression, pregnancy, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Epstein Bar Syndrome, causes from acts of war, and Lyme Disease.

The following events/conditions will not be eligible for sharing unless surgery is involved: carpal tunnel syndrome, back injuries, and knee injuries. For instance: a member has been diagnosed with carpal tunnel and doctor states surgery is required. The event/condition will then be eligible after surgery is performed.

+ Are there any guarantees?

As a Christian sharing program, there are no guarantees, however, Manna members have committed to caring for their brothers and sisters in Christ when a disability occurs.


Have a Disability Need?


Become a Member of Christian Care Ministry and explore the benefits of Medi-Share!