+ Where should providers send bills?
Providers can file EDI
EDI Payer ID 59355
Paper HCFAs or UBs
PO Box 981652
El Paso, TX 79998-1652
+ How does a provider join the PHCS PPO?
To join the network, click here and submit the online form.
+ What services are not eligible for sharing?
In general, routine care, including routine mammograms, routine pap smears, routine screening tests and procedures without medical reasons (e.g., colonoscopy without specific symptoms)
•Well patient care, for example, annual physicals, routine lab studies, mammography, and pap smears
•Veteran Administration Care and Treatment
Medical bills for diagnosis or treatment of a pre-existing medical condition, which is defined as treatment, diagnosis, symptoms or medication for the condition prior to membership, have limited eligibility.
Please review the Medi-Share Guidelines Section VI for a complete list of conditions not eligible for sharing.
+ What about outpatient physical therapy?
If related to an eligible medical event, there is a maximum of 20 visits allowed. If more visits are required, a letter from the provider explaining the need for additional visits along with the diagnosis codes, medical documentation, and amount of additional visits must be submitted and approved by Christian Care Ministry.